
Originally posted on The Last Foundling:
Managing human population growth will be one of the biggest challenges of this century. Two years ago, I remember being alarmed to learn that, somewhere, the seventh billion human being had been born. Climate change is going to hit the world’s poorest hardest When we are struggling to provide…


Originally posted on Low Impact Parenting:
Our cleaning products can be full of nasties and can pose a real risk of poisoning if children or pets get into them. It’s no surprise so many households are packed full of harsh chemicals, after decades of “Better Living Through Chemistry”  and advertising telling us we need to…


Originally posted on Our Bicycle Lives:
Cycling gives us kudos, especially at this time of year. Out there in the cold and moving under our own steam – zero emission, no pollution – who wouldn’t think we’re doing a good deed? On top of that, it is a mode of transport that makes incredibly efficient…


Originally posted on The Jolly Good News:
IPS – Green Energy Solves Dual Crises of Poverty and Climate | Inter Press Service. Green energy is the only way to bring billions of people out of energy poverty and prevent a climate disaster, a new study reveals. Conservative institutions like the World Bank, the International Energy…


Originally posted on Utopian Dreaming:
Yesterday in New Orleans, a trial began to assess whether BP was grossly negligent during the 2010 BP oil spill.  Suffice to say, BP was not only grossly negligent, but the spill itself was grossly gross.  The federal government estimates that 4.1 million barrels of oil were spilled into the…