
Originally posted on Utopian Dreaming:
Researchers at the University of Georgia claim they have discovered a way to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and make use of it, possibly even to create fuel. reports that “Their discovery may soon lead to the creation of biofuels made directly from the carbon dioxide in the air that…


Originally posted on The Green Word:
As President Obama continues to ponder the fate of the Keystone XL pipeline (I’m sure it’s keeping him up at night!), this past week saw two significant spills of Alberta Tar Sands oil in the US. The first spill occurred on Wednesday, March 27th.   Fourteen cars (of a 94-car…


Gobla Energy Efficiency day ! / Día mundial de Eficiencia Energética

Originally posted on Beyond Sustainable:
We wish all our followers a happy global day for energy efficiency!! Let us follow the path to zero energy buildings!! ——————————————————————- Queremos desearles a todos nuestros seguidores un feliz día de la eficiencia energética!!!! Sigamos el camino hacia los edificios de energía cero!!!!


Originally posted on melanieglobalocean:
The latest data from the international scientific committee which monitors tuna in the Pacific showed bluefin tuna stocks were a small fraction of what they had been and were in danger of all but disappearing, according to the Pew Environmental Group as reported in The Guardian. Global Ocean has been following…