Who I Am

Who I Am and My Goals

hear lief

I am Kathleen McGiveron, Canadian, ceramicist and a secondary school art teacher. On February 28th 2013 I decided to starting living a sustainable, low impact life. This blog will document my journey on becoming sustainable and low impact, will share my finding in research on new ways to be sustainable as well on environmental issues. I care about the future of this world, and it is my aim not only to make a difference with what I do, but to inspire others with practical means for being sustainable so it no longer seems so scary and that we can all do it for the sake of this world. I care, do you?


My goals…

Keep in mind that I still am living home because I haven’t been able to move out because I’ve been in school my entire life until 5 months ago. I’m saving up to be able to afford to buy a house- my house will be run my way with sustainable energy sources, recycling methods, and home made remedies. Until that day (which will hopefully be the end of this year or early 2014) this is what I can do…

Well I am already a vegetarian and also eat a lot of vegan meals so this is not a problem. Of course, meat from mammals creates a lot of issues concerning green house gases, and eating fish contributes to the massacres in our oceans that is causing many species to become endangered such as the bluefin tuna. This is my second year being a vegetarian.

My new goals and rules to myself to start me off. More will be added later.

1) No turning on lights. My family won’t do this but I can in the rooms I am in. At night I will use candles, preferably beeswax, for light.candle

2) No meat.

3) If its not a great distance, bike or walk. I live in Canada, an hour outside Vancouver in a suburban/rural area with little or no transit. Most of the time having no car is non optional (it would take a day to get there…), especially if I want to keep my job. One day though my goal is to be able to bike to work.

4) Compost all organics. Recycle Paper.


5) Extremely Limited TV. I will allow myself to play video games OR watch 1 movie on Netflix every couple months. That’s not too bad I don’t think- feel free to express your opinion on this. I think that the majority is not spent on it and every couple months is sustainable?

6) Local fruits and veggies only. Garden and grow own food. Mostly will restrict myself to 100 mile diet to reduce carbon footprint.

7) No elevators.

8) No chemical cleaners, I will make my own.

9) Reduce garbage and limit plastics  (no disposible water bottles, baggies, cling wrap, plastic bags, etc.).  Goal: Half a garbage can for a house of 4 adults/week. Currently: 1 garbage can for 4 adults/week.

10) Reusable grocery bags. Will sew with old fabrics.

11) Will start to make own shampoos and soaps.

12) Be an activist for Bluefin Tuna and encourage people to STOP EATING them.

13) No buying clothes. No buying jewelry. No buying shoes except 1 pair of flip flops this summer because my old ones are worn out and are broken. No buying accessories. Not until next year (2014)

14) No take out food or drinks. Limited restaurant outings (special occasions only).


With my own home one day, I plan for solar panels for electricity and wood fire place for heat. I would collect rain water and store it for watering my garden. I would also not use lights or tvs in the whole house. But I cannot tell them what to do so until the  I will do the best considering the circumstances. As time passes I hope it will become more green. Most importantly, I hope to inspire YOU. As one person I make little impact, but as a world we can make an incredible difference in changing the path of destruction we are all on and perhaps we can let this planet and the nature on it heal.

wind mill

I want this to be practical. Not no-impact, but it’s extremely low impact and I hope I inspire YOU to take on some of my rules for myself, maybe a minimum of 3 (or all?) to help make a difference on this planet.

My friend and lovely, leave a reply!