
Utopian Dreaming

Researchers at the University of Georgia claim they have discovered a way to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and make use of it, possibly even to create fuel. reports that “Their discovery may soon lead to the creation of biofuels made directly from the carbon dioxide in the air that is responsible for trapping the sun’s rays and raising global temperatures.”

“Basically, what we have done is create a microorganism that does with carbon dioxide exactly what plants do—absorb it and generate something useful,” said Michael Adams, member of UGA’s Bioenergy Systems Research Institute.  Just like photosynthesis removes CO2 from the atmosphere to make sugars that feed plants, these microorganisms, called Pyrococcus furiosus or “rushing fireball,” have been genetically manipulated to feed on CO2 in the atmosphere.

The research team then used hydrogen gas to create a chemical reaction in the microorganism that incorporates carbon dioxide into 3-hydroxypropionic acid…

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