
Journal: On track and with great plans!

Well, good news, I don’t have to worry about having candles in my room because I now have a battery powered lamp. However my candles worked very nicelu during our recent power outage. I was already used to the dark. When I was doing research on sustainable energy, I looked into wind turbines for homes. Then I thought about the sustainable do-it-yourselfers and decided to research whether it was plausible to make your own wind turbine.

Actually I looked into making my own solar panel first but that uses a lot of copper and requires sun. Copper is expensive and we have a lack of sun, mostly clouds and rain all year.

So wind turbine it is! I am very excited to try and make one! Im going to set it up atnmy parents cabin and attach it to car batteries and see how much energy itbcan sustain. What I am hoping is that I can somehow store the energy, then when they aee there they can use the energy my turbine collected. I am also thinking the turbine could be one large turbing, then lower will be a couple smaller ones. There is lots of wind at their cabin because its in the mountains so I think it would  be good. It is also a great test run for when I move out and can put wind turbines on my own place. I cant put them here in suburbia…  Neighbors might complain.

Anyhow I am deciding on what to make the bladesbfrom, pvc pipe or maybe aluminum? Or wood? What are your thoughts? I have seen many different variations, but I think light would be best.

Also, it is almost time to empty my compost into the garden for my pumpkin planting!

Keep sustainable and low impact,

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