Journal: On track and with great plans!

Journal: On track and with great plans!

Well, good news, I don’t have to worry about having candles in my room because I now have a battery powered lamp. However my candles worked very nicelu during our recent power outage. I was already used to the dark. When I was doing research on sustainable energy, I looked into wind turbines for homes. … Continue reading


Gobla Energy Efficiency day ! / Día mundial de Eficiencia Energética

Originally posted on Beyond Sustainable:
We wish all our followers a happy global day for energy efficiency!! Let us follow the path to zero energy buildings!! ——————————————————————- Queremos desearles a todos nuestros seguidores un feliz día de la eficiencia energética!!!! Sigamos el camino hacia los edificios de energía cero!!!!


Originally posted on melanieglobalocean:
The latest data from the international scientific committee which monitors tuna in the Pacific showed bluefin tuna stocks were a small fraction of what they had been and were in danger of all but disappearing, according to the Pew Environmental Group as reported in The Guardian. Global Ocean has been following…


Tonight I am sitting in the candle light, wondering what I should talk about. Well I was at work today, where we have an organics, recycle and garbafe bin… yet when I put my organics into the coreect bin, I noticed it was empty and the garbage can was full of things that could have … Continue reading